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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

New Features in Adsense account

Adsense Blog has announced that they have made some updates in Adsense account based on the suggestions received from Adsense account users:

  • Now ID number associated with a specific custom channel can be viewed by visiting Channels link under Adsense Tab. This information has been added because many users want channel ID numbers for ad management programs which they are using.
  • All ad units generated within last 7 days that haven't yet received any impressions will now be listed as New rather than active in Status column.
  • Most recent date will be displayed when ever you will update your ad units. Any ad units generated or edited before this display change will show a last-edited date of November 1st, 2007.
  • Google guys are working on the manage ads feature for referral units. They say that soon they will prompt you to enter names for your newly generated referral units.
All the features sound interesting & useful to me. You can also send your suggestions to Google by visiting the following link: