Yahoo blog has posted some good time saving yahoo search tips for day to day searching.
- To get more focused search use the following
- Words within square brackets -- adding square brackets to your search makes the keyword match order dependent. So typing in '[Jack Black]' will return results such as 'jack with black' but not 'black jack.'
- "inurl" -- if you want to be sure that a specific term will appear in the site's URL, use the "inurl:[query]" operator. For example: 'inurl:iPod.'
- Site restriction -- to restrict your search to pages within a specific domain, use the "site:[domain]" operator, followed by your query. For instance: ' iPod.'
- "orginurlextension" -- to search on specific file types, add 'originurlextension:[file format]' after your search query. For example: 'nanotechnology originurlextension:swf' OR 'nanotechnology originurlextension:pdf.'
- If you want to track your package from yahoo, you can use the following method:
- For UPS, type in your tracking number: '1z9999999999999999'
- For FedEx or the U.S. Postal Service, add the name before the tracking number. Hypothetically: 'FedEx 999777333222' or 'USPS 03062400000176550683.'
- You can search for definition of a term by adding "define" or "definition" to your search term and if you want to search for a synonym, add synonym to your search term.
- To save time you can include following operators:
- For excluding any terms you can use – operator. 'Simpsons -movie' returns results for "The Simpsons" TV show, books, games, etc., but not the movie.
- You can use “OR” between two terms which will give you results of either “first term” or “second erm”
- For exact phrase searching you can use “ “.
- If you're looking for a Yahoo! site, simply add an exclamation point after the site name and voila! Try it out with 'Mail!,' 'News!,' 'Sports!,' or 'Finance!'
- You can search for the airline and flight number and you'll get a shortcut to the flight's status. Try: 'American 83' or 'Lufthansa 421' for tracking flight status.
- Traffic -- You can search for the traffic details. Example: 'traffic Los Angeles.' Click on the shortcut and you'll get a map with traffic alerts.
- Maps -- You can search for different address on yahoo. You can also search even if you don't have the address. Add "map" before the city: 'map San Francisco.' You can also search for the zip code by itself: '20502.'
- Yahoo open shortcuts: Yahoo! Open Shortcuts are the ultimate time-saving search feature. Add an exclamation point to the front of certain terms to instantly navigate to a URL, search a site, recall a favorite Yahoo! search, or start an application.
- '!wiki queen elizabeth' takes you directly to the Wikipedia page for Queen Elizabeth.
- '!wsf' gives you the Yahoo! Search results for "weather San Francisco."
- '!clist' takes you to Craigslist.
- '!ebay lamps' searches eBay for lamps
You can also create customized open shortcuts.
Some predefined Open shortcuts can be found at following url:
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